Trying new trends vs. staying true to your own style

One thing that I really like about blogging is being able to push your own boundaries on several levels. You know I’m not very girly-girly in terms of outfits, but now and then I stumble upon a piece that just asks for a different approach. These amazing over the knee boots that I showed you earlier this week can easily look a bit tacky, but when adding a fun feminine touch they suddenly become super classy.

And that’s the story on how I – the ultimate comfy and slightly tomboy person that always goes for oversized – walked out of my house out with a girly skirt, girly boots, a girly lace top AND girly messy waves. However, to still stay close to my personal style I picked a very simple silhouette and chose to use only a very neutral colour palette. Like it?

Do you like trying new trends or tendencies? And how do you manage to stay true to your own style whilst pushing your boundaries in terms of style?







Photos by Lisa M.

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