Thriftshop finds!

Although it’s still a long wait until the boyfriend and I will finally be moving into our house (January!), we can’t help but look around for furniture and interior accessories… One of our favourite current activities is thrift shopping, and we’re damn good at it ๐Ÿ™‚ The bad part is that of course we’re having some storage issues for our new stuff, but HEY the thrift shop isn’t going to wait for you!

A few weeks ago we bumped into these beauties at the boyfriend’s local thrift shop. Hellooo marble table + chairs, stunning black piano and beautiful porcelain plates!

My best tip is to skim all thrift shops OUT of the city, since they carry a selection that pretty much nobody from the country side is interested in. They’re also way cheaper than thrift shops in the middle of the city centre!ย There’s probably one exception: Troc, which is a bit more expensive but has a fantastic selection.

Do you opt for thrift shopping when choosing your interior? What’s the best bargain you ever did? Let me know!